The information about the Anpec 2024 can be obtained from this link (in portuguese).
Once a year, the ANPEC organizes the National Admission Test for prospective master’s students to the associate or member postgraduate centers. The examination is aimed at assessing the examinees’ academic competences and skills and reporting the scores to the postgraduate centers.
The admission test is not an entrance exam. Scores are used for ranking purposes only. In addition, the examination can produce several rankings, since each postgraduate center gives a different weight to each part of the exam to obtain the average test score. In addition, each school treats the Brazilian Studies section of the exam differently.
It is also worth noting that the ANPEC does not guarantee test takers a position in any member or associate postgraduate program; the ANPEC’s role is merely to provide the programs with a list of prospects. The admission procedures and criteria are exclusive to each postgraduate program and include, but is not restricted to, the candidate’s position in the ANPEC list.
Candidates should contact each postgraduate program to obtain more information on the admission criteria and curriculum of each masters’ program participating in the ANPEC system. The ANPEC ranking score might also be used as admission criteria to some PhD programs.
For further information please visit the candidate’s website or contact:
Marco Flávio da Cunha Resende
Coordenação do Exame ANPEC
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
IPEAD-FACE-UFMG, sala 3039
Belo Horizonte, MG
e-mail: [email protected]
phonel.:+55 31 3409-7085 (2pm to 5pm).
1. Who is eligible to take the exam?
The National Admission Test is available to either those who hold a valid bachelor’s degree or those who are still enrolled in an undergraduate program. The undergraduate diploma will be deemed necessary only for enrollment in the postgraduate program of choice. The exam is opened to students of all backgrounds. Applicants should follow the registration procedures described in the Candidate’s Manual, including payment procedures. The exam is offered in Portuguese and in Brazil only.
2. Is the exam intended for prospective master’s students only?
No. A number of PhD programs also adopt the ANPEC Exam as a part of their admission process. In addition, many people take the exam for practice only.
3. Is obtaining good test scores a condition to be accepted into a master’s program?
It depends on the program’s admission requirements, since each postgraduate program gives a different weight to the exam amongst their admission criteria. Some programs adopt the ANPEC ranking position of the candidate as the only admission requirement. Others use it as a complementary requirement. Feel free to visit the website of each postgraduate program for further information on their admission requirements.
4. Is the registration for the ANPEC Exam valid as enrollment for the postgraduate program of choice?
The registration for the ANPEC test is a part of the application process to the postgraduate centers.
5. How do I choose the postgraduate program during registration?
During registration, every applicant will list up to six programs with no order of preference. Informing one’s preferences is relevant as most programs start admission procedures by admitting the candidates that have already chosen them as a preferred center. However, each program is free to admit whoever candidate is listed in the ANPEC scoring rank.
6. Am I allowed to change my center preferences after registration?
7. What is on the ANPEC Test?
The ANPEC test covers the following topics: Mathematics, Statistics, Brazilian Studies, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and English. Some postgraduate centers demand a complimentary written test on Brazilian Studies.
8. What are the test specifications?
Each test comprises 15 questions of either type A or B.
Type A questions are comprised of true or false items (there may be more than one true or false item). Examinees must blacken the corresponding space of the alleged true or false item on the Answer Sheet; if in doubt, leave blank (no answer - see Guessing Penalty policy).
Type B questions are comprised of items with only one numerical answer between 00 and 99.
The writing test on Brazil’s Economy consists of a writing answer to one of the five items available.
9. How does the guessing penalty work?
Suppose that the correct answer to a true or false question is (TTTFF) and that the test taker answered (TFFFF). In that case, the examinee’s score for that particular question will be (+1-1-1-1+1+1)/5; that is, for every item answered wrong an item answered right is eliminated. In case examinees leave the item blank (no answer), no score points are reduced.
10. How is the ANPEC test score ranking list elaborated?
The ANPEC Test takers are ranked by comparing each candidate’s score with the other takers’ of that year. The raw score is a reflection of the score obtained in each multiple-choice subject test on Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Mathematics, Statistic and Brazilian Studies, with every scored question carrying the same weight.
11. Is there a single ranking list serving all postgraduate centers?
No. There is a national ranking list and a ranking list by postgraduate program. Every center applies its own weighting system to calculate each examinee’s average score - and each program treats the test on Brazilian Studies differently. Each test taker’s program of preference will correct the examinee’s writing test on Brazilian Studies independently. The national ranking list is based exclusively on the multiple-choice test scores (excluding the writing test score) and all subject tests hold the same weight in the calculation of the average score. In addition to the national ranking list, every postgraduate center receives an extra ranking list of all test takers who have included it in their preference list during registration. Programs are not obliged to release that complementary list. The ANPEC national ranking list is just one of the admission requirements to the postgraduate programs, and centers may also require and assess the applicant’s academic records, résumé and letters of recommendation. Every program is responsible for its own admission procedures and applicants. The ANPEC has no place in that decision. Applicants are advised to contact their postgraduate programs of preference.
12. Will my scores be released to other test takers?
No. Your test scores and ranking position according to the ANPEC ranking criteria will be released only to you and no other test taker.
13. How does the call for applications to each postgraduate program work?
After score reports are released, every program will issue a call for application to the ranked candidates they are willing to admit. The formal invitation sent to applicants is accompanied by a password to log into the online application system, which uses a series of admission rounds to offer positions in the programs. At each round, candidates are requested to submit either a provisional or a final acceptance notice to the centers’ offers. If no acceptance notice is given the applicant’s password expires at the end of each round.
Postgraduate programs will issue offers of places to applicants until all positions have been filled and a notice is given to the ANPEC Test coordination.
A provisional acceptance means that the candidate is willing to accept the offer made by a given program, despite preferring another one. When submitting a provisional acceptance notice, the candidate must inform the postgraduate program of preference.
A final acceptance means that the candidate irrevocably agrees to the offer made by the program.
14. Does an acceptance notice ensure a position in a program? Does it ensure a scholarship?
A provisional acceptance notice is no guarantee of a position in any program. A final acceptance notice ensures a position in a program, but is no guarantee that a scholarship will be given.
Each program must inform the candidate whether the position offered is accompanied by a scholarship or not. The ANPEC Test coordination does not meddle in the allocation of scholarships. Decisions concerning the admission requirements and the allocation of scholarships are made by the postgraduate programs only.
The exam sheets of the 1990-2024 editions (held in the period 1989-2023) are available for consultation. Click the links below to download these documents in a compact *zip format.
2024 | 2023 | 2023 | 2022 |
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |
1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |
1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |